What Does Your Poo Say About You?
Did you know that your poo can say a lot about you? Your poo can talk?! No, your poo cannot say words but it sure can describe what is happening inside your body by how frequent it is and what it looks like.
5-7 times a week is ideal. Your rectum should be fully emptying with each bowel movement.
If you are less frequent: your rectum is not fully emptying each time.
If you are more frequent, your rectum is withholding stool with each bowel movement.
Using the Bristol Stool Scale, your poos should be Type 4 on average.
If Type 1-3, your poos are hanging out in your rectum for too long and the fluid is being removed.
If Type 5-7, your poos have too much fluid and they are moving too quickly through your body.
The Bristol Stool Scale
Now What Do I Do To Help My Poo?
If your poos are not Type 4 and averaging 5-7x/week, then we can talk to find out how we can help your body be more effective and functioning at it’s best capacity!
Head on over to schedule your Free Discovery Call so we can get things started.